Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How to Flirt: Flirting Tips Help You Show Interest

Show others you are interested and available for a relationship!

You're hanging out at a party when, out of nowhere, you suddenly notice someone standing close to you. In fact, you realize he or she keeps turning up nearby, trying to catch your eye. The two of you start talking and your new friend smiles, laughs, finds excuses to touch you and holds your gaze. This person is clearly flirting with you. How do you know? Because, although you may not realize it, you are already an expert in flirting and body language.

Flirting Demystified

What would dating be without flirting? Flirting is fun, it signals that we're interested in someone and it initiates most successful relationships. Flirting means giving someone your full attention; it means smiling, touching and playing. In the right circumstances, it is a powerful tool. In the wrong circumstances, it can lead to embarrassment and be a complete turn off.

For most people, flirting comes naturally. Many forms of flirting are simply outgrowths of the way you behave when you meet someone you really like and are interested in having a romantic relationship with. However, some flirting is more subtle, making it hard to tell whether you're reading something that's not there into an interaction simply because you want the other person to flirt with you.

For these reasons, it's useful to examine some of the key indicators of flirting, which can prove extremely helpful when trying to figure out if the person across the table is interested in you – and help you express your interest in them!

Body Language
  • Prolonged eye contact
  • Dilated pupils
  • Arched eyebrows
  • Winking
  • Rapid eye movement and blinking
  • Stroking or toying with hair
  • Smiling
  • Licking of lips
  • Touching the lips or teeth with tongue
  • Thrusting chest or breasts outward
  • Mirroring or copying posture
  • Crossing legs
  • Leaning inward
  • Open-legged posture

Other Behavior
  • Any form of touching
  • Playing with hands
  • Fidgeting nervously
  • Shy avoidance of eye contact
  • Standing on one leg or shifting weight back and forth

  • Laughter
  • Whispering
  • Personal questions, especially about relationship status
  • Singling someone out in a group for conversation and questions

However you flirt, keep in mind that flirting should indicate your interest in getting to know someone -- in a polite, respectful and tactful way. Using cheesy pickup lines, being too aggressive, touching inappropriately or being in any way vulgar or rude will get you not only turned down but also probably slapped. Flirting is designed to make the person you're flirting with feel attractive and special, not intimidated.

Once you've established that someone is flirting with you – or your own flirting has gotten a positive response – it's time to start thinking about how to propose a first date. Mutual flirting of the type listed above usually means the other person is interested in getting to know you better. However, be wary of people who are flirtatious, even though they're in committed relationships. Some people either can't help being flirty, have an open relationship or simply don't care whether their partner is hurt by their behavior. While it can be tempting to flirt with this kind of person -- particularly if they're attractive, interesting and initiate the flirting – keep in mind that the point of flirting is to show interest in someone you'd like to get to know better, and people who're already attached to someone else are off limits.

Being confident about your flirting is the best way to make sure it is well-received. Nothing is sexier than confidence – nothing, that is, except someone who knows how to flirt effectively. Now get out there and start smiling!

Dating: A Guy's Bare Essentials For Successful Dating

Must-have and -do list for your next date night

There are some absolute essentials that are required in preparation for a date. While we all know this stuff, we're guys, and it's always worth reminding ourselves of the basics so we can get the foundation right. Here's our quick list:


Obvious, right? The worst thing you could do when going out on a date (especially if it is your first date with her) is to turn up unshaven, looking dirty and smelling bad. Women are clean and will judge you on how hygienic you are. Plus, no offense, but you would be appalled if she turned up for the date looking like a hippie that hadn't bathed for a while. It doesn't cost anything to take a bath and make an effort. Remember, bad breath and body odor are an instant turn off, and she will assume that this is how you are all the time. Even if you are just having a bad day or didn't think you have time to clean up, she won't see beyond your appearance, so you'll never get a second chance to impress her.

Arrive on Time

One of the worst things you can do is turn up late. Turning up late will give her the wrong impressions of what you think about her. Women always assume the worst, so she'll sit around considering the worst case scenarios when you're late. Not only will she think that she has been stood up, but will also think that you are unreliable. If you are picking her up from her home, then it is advisable to turn up 5 minute before you are due. But don't come any earlier or she will be adjusting her makeup or getting dressed and won't want you to see her half finished.

Be a Gentleman

Hold the door open for her. Let her walk through the door first. Pull out her chair. Be polite to her and the people around you. Women like to feel special, and by treating her like a lady she will think you are fantastic.

Compliment Her

The first thing to say to her is "you look beautiful" before you even ask how she is. Keep the compliments flowing throughout your date, such as "your hair looks nice, I like the color of it, and your outfit is great." But don't go overboard. A woman loves to be complimented because it makes her feel sexy, gorgeous and beautiful. She needs to feel you are attracted to her. So it shouldn't sound fake.

Listen to Her and Ask Questions

Nobody wants to spend the whole night listening to someone talk about themselves or being ignored. And you do have to get to know each other. So ask her questions, but more importantly listen to what she has to say. There is nothing woman likes more than when someone is interested in what they have to say.

I remember once I was sitting in a restaurant waiting for some friends. There was a man and woman sitting at the table next to mine and I couldn't help overhearing their conversation, though it isn't a conversation when only one person is talking. I could tell it was their first date from what he was telling her about himself. "I play Saturday league football, I like boxing..." He went on like this for about 10 minutes without stopping or asking her questions. She was just sitting there nodding slightly every so often and looking bored. That day left an impact on me, and every time I have been on a date since, I have been conscious of the woman, making a point to take an interest in what she had to say. This is probably the best bit of advice I could give.


The last thing you want is to be sitting having a meal and the conversation dries up, leaving you bored with each other for the rest of the night. Think about your date and what you would like to know about her, and in return what you would like her to know about you. Try and think of any questions that she might ask you, so that you can prepare the answer. You think that it is easy to talk, and that you will not run out of questions to ask, or that you will automatically have the answers. But until you are there and in the situation, you have no idea what it will be like. You can avoid all of this by meeting for a quick drink, then go on to see a film, so you have something obvious to talk about.

Who Will Pay?

This is a really tough question since women are increasingly independent and may want to pay their way. I suggest that you offer to pay and, if she lets you, take care of the bill. If she wants to pay, you can argue that you want to, but make sure you pay for at least half no matter what.

The Goodnight Kiss

Some women prefer not to kiss after a date while others are disappointed if the guy doesn't even try. There is no easy answer to this. Wait until either she makes the first move or it's very obvious that you are both ready. Watch out for body language and little touches. And I would strongly advise sex on the first date.

I'll Call You

Only tell her that you will call her if you mean it and intend on seeing her again. This is an awkward situation, and most of the time the easiest solution is to take her number and tell her you will call her. But don't do it if you are not interested. Just say good night, smile and walk away. But if you do like her and are interested, then make sure you let her know and tell her you'll be in touch.